For decades, apparel brands have relied on traditional demographics such as gender, generations, and income to target shoppers. Now, globalization and social media have connected like-minded consumers and transformed their commonalities into influential groups.
To learn more about what these groups are looking for in sustainable apparel, Eastman looked to its U.S. Sustainable Leader Consumer Community. Segmenting customers into fashion tribes based on their attitudes and behaviors is critical to uncovering new growth opportunities in the apparel market. Leveraging these insights can help brands build lasting relationships with consumers by connecting with them across shopping environments, bridging the comfort gap, and improving sustainable apparel satisfaction with innovative fibers.
Mobile and social-first consumers are reshaping brands’ customer engagement strategies. Among these consumers, 72% love to try new and different clothing styles, and 60% will offer loyalty for custom style advice.
What makes an apparel item sustainable? Sustainably minded U.S. consumers say materials are most important. They will do everything they can to purchase sustainable apparel and are willing to pay a premium for it.
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Learn more >In this digital age, consumers living in the world’s largest cities are setting the fashion trends that everyone eventually follows. Accordingly, 53% of these consumers get clothing inspiration online. However, 82% still buy most clothing in store.
Global intellectuals crave education on all aspects of clothing. Compared to other consumers, they place a high value on comfort, quality, and fit. They’re also willing to spend more for clothing with new fibers and technologies.
While most global consumers are unwilling to sacrifice clothing comfort, they struggle to find clothing that meets their comfort expectations. These consumers seek clothing that is comfortable, soft, and not tight and fits well.
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