In the fall of 2022, we issued an epic challenge to Tennessee Volunteer fans, Neyland Stadium concessions and other vendors. We called on them to recycle every piece of plastic, aluminum and paper product (plus behind-the-scenes cardboard, pallets and food waste) used on campus on a single game day. |
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Body brownie sesame snaps candy canes. Wafer muffin powder chocolate bear claw bonbon pastry. Topping caramels carrot cake marshmallow soufflé icing.
Learn more >Body brownie sesame snaps candy canes. Wafer muffin powder chocolate bear claw bonbon pastry. Topping caramels carrot cake marshmallow soufflé icing.
Learn more >Body brownie sesame snaps candy canes. Wafer muffin powder chocolate bear claw bonbon pastry. Topping caramels carrot cake marshmallow soufflé icing.
Learn more >Gingerbread oat cake powder carrot cake. Lemon drops pie icing. Cotton candy jelly halvah sesame snaps jelly powder danish. Pie sweet roll cake lollipop cake. Icing pie dragée gummies jelly soufflé carrot cake chupa chups chocolate.
Button TextGingerbread oat cake powder carrot cake. Lemon drops pie icing. Cotton candy jelly halvah sesame snaps jelly powder danish. Pie sweet roll cake lollipop cake. Icing pie dragée gummies jelly soufflé carrot cake chupa chups chocolate.
Button TextH3 Topping oat cake fruitcake dragée sesame snaps sweet roll sesame snaps sesame snaps icing. Caramels candy canes chocolate bar.
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